New Study Shows Natural Antioxidant Helps Curb Muscle Loss Due to Aging

Published research finds French maritime pine bark extract Pycnogenol® help stabilize muscle loss, supports muscular function and boosts daily muscle endurance

GENEVA, Switzerland – A new peer-reviewed, published study shows French maritime pine bark extract, Pycnogenol®, may be effective in curbing muscle loss that occurs with aging – a natural process that leads to sarcopenia, a common condition affecting adults as early as age 65. The study, published in the September 2016 Journal on Orthopedics and Traumatology, revealed that daily supplementation with Pycnogenol® helps to stabilize muscles through this natural process and supports muscular function and endurance.

According to the National Library of Medicine, physically inactive individuals can lose as much as eight percent of muscle mass each decade after 30. Those who are physically active can maintain more muscle mass yet are still affected by muscle loss due to aging.

“Muscle loss due to aging can affect even the most active individuals and can result in feelings of weakness and frustrating fatigue which can interfere with our daily activities. This natural process is why opening a jar of pickles gets harder as we get older. We have less muscle to work with, so our muscles must work harder and, thus, we get tired faster,” said nationally-known natural nutrition expert Dr. Fred Pescatore.

“This new study builds on a body of research connecting Pycnogenol® to healthy aging,” said Dr. Pescatore. “As we age, muscle loss starts to impact the daily activities we tend to take for granted like climbing stairs, lifting groceries or enjoying walks without getting tired. This research shows that Pycnogenol can help alleviate the symptoms of sarcopenia and can support muscle function as we age.”

In the study, participants between ages 70 - 78 and exhibiting symptoms of muscle loss, sarcopenia and fatigue but otherwise healthy, reported feeling increased muscle endurance in completing daily tasks such as walking and stair climbing, and improved overall muscular function by more than 40 percent. After just 8 weeks of taking 150 mg of Pycnogenol® the study results showed:

·        Participants who took Pycnogenol® daily demonstrated greater muscular function and endurance in daily tasks such as carrying items (4-5 lbs.) (71 percent improvement with Pycnogenol®/23 percent control), climbing stairs (52 percent improvement with Pycnogenol®/20 percent control) and distance walked (38 percent improvement with Pycnogenol®/17 percent control)

·        Pycnogenol® measurably reduced oxidative stress, a common measurement of sarcopenia which prevents the body from normal detoxifying and repair, by 14 percent

·        Supplementation with Pycnogenol® reduced proteinuria – presence of protein in urine which, with normal kidney function, can indicate waste from muscle erosion, by 40 percent

·        Individuals who took Pycnogenol® demonstrated improved general fitness scores by more than 46 percent in comparison with a control group who did not take the natural antioxidant

“What I found really compelling is the measurable effect Pycnogenol® had on the participants in relation to completing daily tasks -- the research shows that Pycnogenol® can play a role in helping you stay active with greater muscular stability and maintain muscle function as you age,” Dr. Pescatore noted.

While experts recommend adequate amounts of sleep, in addition to diet and daily exercise to maintain physical fitness in later years, the study results are encouraging for those looking for an added boost in muscle function overall.

To review clinical research and additional information on Pycnogenol®, visit Pycnogenol® is available in more than 700 dietary supplements and multi-vitamins worldwide.

Pycnogenol®is a natural plant extract originating from the bark of the maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France and is found to contain a unique combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and phenolic acids, which offer extensive natural health benefits.  The extract has been widely studied for the past 40 years and has more than 340 published studies and review articles ensuring safety and efficacy as an ingredient. Today, Pycnogenol® is available in more than 700 dietary supplements, multi-vitamins and health products worldwide.  For more information, visit

About Horphag Research
Horphag Research is the exclusive worldwide supplier for Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) brand French maritime pine bark extract and Robuvit®, French oak wood extract. Pycnogenol® and Robuvit® are registered trademarks of Horphag Research Ltd. For its patented ingredient, Pycnogenol®, Horphag Research has been awarded the Frost & Sullivan Excellence in Research Award, Nutraceutical Business & Technology Safety & Quality Award, SupplySide West Scientific Excellence Award and The American Botanical Council’s Tyler Research Award. For more information, visit and